Increasing browsing and Downloading speed on Symbian s60v3 and s60v5 mobiles s60v3 and s60v5 Phone is Not New thing To Some People buh I'm very Sure that 80% Of Fellow Gurusian dnt know it.
=>Do You Know You can increase Your Browsing and Downloading speed to a great extent without any apllication, even in Poor Network area. All You need to do is to make slight changes in Your Settings....
1. go to SETINGS then
2. After that go to PHONE SETTING>> APPLICATION SETTINGS, then >> POSITIONING >> POSITIONING SERVER and change it to "" h- "" Copy Past Thats it.
3.Now restart your phone And enjoy the Speed........
Tested& o.k on nokia n72, e63, e72 5800Xm , 5233 and n8.....
=>This works for mobile operator After making these setting airtel gives me only 25-40 kbps on 2g and now it giving downloading speed of constant 70-80 Kbps..
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