- 1. Use Dialer and press " # " for about 2 seconds will switch the profile between Silent and General;
- 2. press and hold 0 will open the web browser;
- 3. press and hold 1 will open the voice mailbox
- 4. There is a shortcut key for Music, Gallery, Share, Video, Web shortcut at the top right corner just below the front camera
- 5. Press and hold the Green caller button when standby mode will activate the voice command. You could call the name from the contact or application name.
- 6. Notification light will blink if there is unread sms/missed call. It could be turned off at Settings -> Notification light -> Off
7. If the touch input is not accurate, you could calibrate your screen at Touch Input-> Touch Screen Calibration -> ( Tap around the 4 dots at the corner)
8. Turning control functions: a. Rotate your screen horizontal or vertical b. Silence your phone for incoming call by rotate your phone with screen facing down. c. Snooze the alarm by rotating phone screen facing down
- 8. Theme effect will give 3D and transition effect if on but will slow down your tube considerably. Settings -> Personal -> Themes -> General -> Themes effects -> On/Off
- 9. Shortcut to exit application : Press and hold the middle white button then press and hold the program that you wish to quit, an open/exit option will pop out (useful for those haven’t install handy taskman yet)
- 10. When using handwriting input, slide from left to right is Spacebar, right to left is Backspace
11. Organize your menu by Menu -> option -> organize. You could drag and drop the location of the application you wish to relocate.
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